Automotive Engineering Design

Fun Meets Function: Automotive Engineering Concentration

从设计车辆和提高其性能的赌注到简单地修理汽车, 你可以通过正规的赌博app的机械工程学位来完成这一切.

Here at Kettering, we know passionate, 在汽车行业,受过良好训练的具有车辆设计和功能专业知识的创新者是非常受欢迎的. If this sounds like the career path for you, 正规的赌博app机械工程专业的汽车工程学士学位可以帮助你实现这一目标.

Automotive Engineering Concentration Features and Objectives

At Kettering, while you work to earn your mechanical engineering degree, 你学到的不仅仅是汽车工程,你还会真正去设计, build and test systems, too.



At Kettering, 我们的机械工程专业帮助我们的本科工程专业一直在美国名列前茅.S News and World Report. 该组织还将凯特林学院评为2022年最佳工程学院之一.

Well-rounded coursework for mechanical automotive engineering

As you pursue your mechanical engineering degree at Kettering, 您将通过从发动机设计到车辆性能的所有课程获得对汽车工程设计的敏锐见解.

你也将为成功做好准备——在完成机械工程项目的基础课程后,你将学习汽车工程设计课程. All told, 你需要至少20个小时的课程,重点是解决汽车设计中的问题, 因此,你将准备好应对你在这个领域面临的任何挑战.


From the beginning of your collegiate experience, 你会发现一些动手学习的机会,可以实践你在课堂上学到的技能. 你也可以在SAE方程式和BajaSAE等竞赛团队中与汽车工程师协会密切合作.

Through these experiences and others, you’ll acquire the hands-on skills, 解决问题的技巧和项目管理技能在汽车行业是必不可少的.


在凯特林,你会发现无与伦比的体验式学习机会和严格的课程. 我们的机械工程专业和汽车工程设计专业以培养优秀人才而闻名.


  • Cutting-edge labs: 将你在课堂上学到的知识应用到我们12个高级实验室之一, including the Crash Safety Center, Mobility Research Center and others.
  • Co-op model: 凯特林自成立以来就与制造业有着密切的联系. When you study here, you’ll gain real, 在你完成机械汽车工程专业的学位之前,你可以把带薪的工作经历加到你的简历上. At Kettering, 你将通过我们的合作伙伴在课堂课程和实地工作之间交替进行, 包括通用汽车和川崎汽车——仅举几例.
  • Student competition teams: While you earn your degree in mechanical engineering, in addition to your work in the field and lab, you’ll also have opportunities to join a team 志同道合的学生,并在各种全国性的挑战和活动中与其他学院竞争, from combat robotics to the Shell Eco-marathon.
  • ABET-accredited programs: At Kettering, our degrees are accredited by ABET, 所以你可以相信,我们的课程将为你在这个行业的成功做好准备.

Automotive Engineering Design Curriculum and Course Highlights

作为一名机械工程专业的学生,在汽车工程方向学习, 你所参加的课程将使你为就业做好准备.

Through the mechanical automotive engineering concentration, 你将获得全面的理解和所需的技能, with courses including engine design, vehicle performance, hybrid vehicles, vehicle crash safety, and vehicle dynamics.

You also may take courses in:

  • Fuel Cell Science and Engineering
  • Advanced Automotive Power Systems
  • Chassis Systems

Explore the rest of the courses 你可以选择你的汽车工程设计专业.


从设计最新最好的发动机到将车辆性能提升到一个新的水平, 在汽车工程设计实践的毕业生的职业选择很多.

In the program, 你会享受坚实的基础和多功能性机械工程学位可以提供. By adding the automotive engineering design concentration, 你还将拥有大公司所需要的专业知识,这将帮助你在就业市场上占据优势.

我们的许多毕业生就职于“三大”汽车公司——通用汽车公司, Ford and Chrysler — or one of their supply partners.

Financial Aid for Mechanical Engineering Programs

At Kettering, 我们致力于通过奖学金帮助你资助你的教育, grants, 贷款和更多,这样你就可以满足你的个人和职业目标.

In addition to merit scholarships and others, 作为一名机械工程专业的学生,主修机械汽车工程, you also may be eligible for the Patricia and Armen Oumedian Engineering Scholarship, sponsored by the Grand Rapids Community Foundation. 作为我们合作模式的一部分,您还将获得带薪工作经验,从而获得出色的工作经验 return on investment for your degree.

Programs Related to Mechanical Automotive Engineering

你对攻读工程学学士学位感兴趣吗, but aren’t entirely sure on which area you’d like to focus? At Kettering, you’ll find a variety of engineering programs 机械工程专业,主修汽车设计,包括:


开始你的旅程,朝着你的职业生涯在工程或找出工程设计学位是否适合你. Request information or apply today.

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