
大学大胆超越前进资金运动 1.5亿美元的目标

目标是 筹款一亿五千万元,以改善理大的未来. In 9½ years, the University exceeded that lofty goal with the 勇敢地向前 Capital Campaign.

With the support of 6,266 donors, the University raised $155 million between July 1, 2012 to Dec. 31, 2021, to support scholarships, faculty, programs, facilities, the 学习共享 and more.

“I’m very thankful to all of the donors, corporations, institutions, alumni and friends,” said Dr. Gary Cowger,大胆前进运动主席和大学董事会成员. “它有自己的生命, and it shows how much people really do care about Kettering and the future for our students, 凯特林和弗林特.”

The campaign wasn’t without challenges as the Flint Water Crisis came to light shortly after the campaign began and the COVID-19 pandemic started near the end of the campaign. 

“我认为另一件令人印象深刻的事情是没有人放弃,”考格说. “We just kept saying that we were going to get this done, and we just kept working diligently at it.”

He said he wasn’t surprised by the success of the campaign because of all of the hard work the campaign committees had put into it as well as the members of the University Advancement team.

“I just want to thank everybody because everybody really did come to the party on this,” Cowger said. “... I’m certainly grateful for the committees and all of the hard work they put in to get this accomplished.”


也许这场运动最重要的——也是最直观的——成果是“共享学习”, a 105,000平方英尺, 最先进的学术中心协作互动和灵活的学习空间. 这个6300万美元的设施是由45美元资助的.400万的大胆远期基金, including a $25 million grant from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation and gifts from alumni, 企业合作伙伴, 理大的基金及友会.

“共享学习”只是“大胆前进”资助的众多校园新增项目之一. 其他资本改善共计15美元.4 million include the GM 流动性研究中心, the Harris Mobility 研究 Annex, the Charles J. 斯特罗萨克化学工程教室和实验室,几个d.空间, 第一个机器人社区中心, 以及Jane Boon ' 90和Norman Pearlstine的音乐工作室和练习室.


9,占地600平方英尺的第一个 机器人社区中心设有加工和设计区域, 一个规定大小的训练场地和8个供团队存放设备的隔间. 自2014年开放以来,该大学已经在该空间举办了多次机器人活动. 


自从2015年阿特伍德体育场重新开放以来, 社区组织在那里举办了几次年度活动, 包括汽车城市烤架经典赛和生命接力. 阿特伍德 served as a COVID-19 drive-through testing site in 2020 and returned to hosting Kettering 毕业典礼 ceremonies in 2021. 自2019年以来,它也是弗林特市雄鹿足球队的主场. 弗林特市亚足联女子足球队今年刚刚搬进来.  

D.空间 have proven so popular since the first one opened in 2014 that nearly a dozen more will be in the 学习共享.


除了新的和翻新的空间, “大胆前进”运动给学生带来的最大好处就是奖学金.

共计37美元.400万美元,学生奖学金是大胆前进基金的第二大基金. 在竞选期间,该大学的奖学金增加了一倍. 这包括2014年启动的“留住我凯特林奖学金”基金.

凯特林基金为经济困难的学生提供支持. 学生可以用这笔钱支付学费. Since its inception, the fund has raised more than $2 million, helping 243 students in need. 2021年,41名学生获得了该基金的资助. 

斯蒂芬(57, ME) and Margaret Cerri established the largest scholarship fund of the campaign when they made a gift totaling $1 million in 2014. 奖学金颁发给有经济需要的学生,可以续期. Fifty-five scholarships have been distributed to 23 students since the fund was established.

“毫无疑问,我事业上的成功要归功于GMI,”斯蒂芬·切里说. “It was only natural to help Kettering students who want to be here but struggle financially with tuition. Peg and I tailored the scholarship for students in the same financial boat that I was in 65 years ago, 使其可再生,以减少接受者对下一年资金的担忧. 我希望赞同这一观点的人也能提供支持.”

鲍勃(1964年), EE)和Marcie Oswald, it was the advantage students receive from international travel that inspired them to create and continue to support the Oswald International Fellowship endowment. The fund supports students who want to study abroad as well as faculty who want to teach and pursue research opportunities abroad.

“在我的职业生涯中,我有过一些国际经验, 但直到我的最后一个任务才发生, 当我第一次有机会在海外度过一段时间时,我快50岁了,鲍勃·奥斯瓦尔德说. “作为一个专业人士,我非常清楚这一点, 我和我的妻子都是家庭成员, 在职业生涯早期的这种经历会是无价之宝吗.

"So, when we became aware of what the Kettering program had already initiated and it was well-established when we established our foundation, 我们说这是我们想要扩大对大学支持的方式,他接着说. “总的来说,我们对这个项目的结果非常满意, 很明显, we’re pleased with the part we’ve been able to play to help students be able to have that experience and to be able to help faculty also be able to participate.”


The impact of these scholarships as well as the many others the University offers has been immeasurable.

艾萨克·尼斯(1924年, ME)获得了罗杰·拉切尔学生基金的奖学金, 这帮他上得起正规的赌博app.


瓦伦丁基金会奖学金对加布里埃尔·约翰逊(Gabriel Johnson)也产生了类似的影响, 工程物理).

“I cannot express how much it aids me and allows me to go to school with much less stress,” he said. “... This scholarship is an incredible help to me and really allows me to focus all of my efforts on school.”

阅读来自博士收件人的信件. 霍格兰53年和卡罗尔·霍格兰学术成就奖对捐赠者来说是鼓舞人心的.


He was able to pay for his time at Kettering with earnings from his 合作社 but received grants to attend graduate school at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 他说,他感谢这种支持,并希望帮助其他人.

“我们设立了一项奖学金,以奖励学业成绩, and I wanted to do that because the scholastic achievement I achieved at Kettering opened up doors for me, 所以我想为其他人提供这样的机会,劳伦斯说.

He said he hopes the students who received the scholarships will give back when they achieve success in their careers, 至少有一个接受者已经表示她会这么做.

“You inspire me to give back,” Megan Eschelbach (‘22, ME) wrote in a letter to the Hoaglands. “当我的研究生生涯结束时, 我打算以你为榜样,也通过奖学金来回报你. 我无法告诉你获得这项奖学金对我有多大的帮助. It has alleviated my stresses and worries about the cost of college so that I can focus on my learning.”

The 勇敢地向前 campaign also contributed more than $28 million to support academic programs, such as the 有学术兴趣的人(AIM) and 通过工程和科学改善生活 precollege programs.

AIM是免费的, 五周, residential precollege summer program designed to provide 11th-grade students with an intensive, 学术经验. 他们学习微积分、化学和工程物理. The students also work in groups on a specific case study and learn about various opportunities available in the STEM field. 

点燃 is a two-week residential program for female students entering their senior year of high school. 在节目中, 学生探索数学的角色, science and 技术 play in the development of innovations that make the world a better place. 学生也有机会与女性导师建立有意义的关系.

除了项目支持,“大胆前进”还资助了一个特聘教授职位. In 2015, the Losh Family Business and Engineering Management Endowed Professorship was established to focus on science, 技术, 工程与数学(STEM), 和业务.

In 2012, the University asked its stakeholders to help it move boldly forward into the future —  and they responded. 大胆前进资本运动是凯特林历史上规模最大的. 它已经为学生们提供了更多的新机会. 剩下唯一要说的就是谢谢了.




我们感谢勇敢前进运动委员会的成员,由Dr. 加里·考格,70届主席. 他们的努力对运动的成功作出了重大贡献.
